Turmeric and Green Tea

Turmeric and Green Tea have a synergistic effect.  They enhance the anti-cancer properties when you consume them together!

turmeric tea

Green tea can triple the cancer fighting power of turmeric, and turmeric can increase green tea’s cancer fighting potency by up to eight times.

Combine these 2 anti cancer plants everyday for an even better effect in your body!

 “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”
–Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

 I recommend taking them as supplements (so you know you are getting the right amounts) but you can also sprinkle some turmeric in your daily cups of Green Tea!

Be Well,

Tammy Kohlschmidt RDH, CTT, CBP

How Much Green Tea to Drink?

Now that we’ve learned about the Health Benefits of drinking green tea from  ‘Green Tea- Is it good for me?’ ‘Anti-Cancer Beverage?’ and ‘Other Major Benefits of Green Tea.’

I would like to re-emphasize how much to drink!  Research recommends drinking 8-10 cups every day.

I know what your thinking and I agree- that’s  a lot!  I love my daily green tea but there’s no way I can drink 10 cups everyday.  This is why I love the Natural Green Tea Supplement we have here at Thermography for Health.  I recommend taking 250 mg tablets every day.

If you have any questions comment below or email me at tammy@dfhny.com

Be Well,

Tammy Kohlschmidt RDH, CTT, CBP

Green Tea & My Life

I want to share with you my Special Morning Routine…

‘Every morning I hit my alarm at 6:15 am and head straight to my yoga mat.  I take about 30-45 minutes to practice Yoga to realign my body, mind, and spirit. I focus on my breath and set positive intentions for the day ahead.  After this ritual I head happily into my kitchen for my other favorite part of my morning routine, my earthy steaming cup of Big Green Hojicha Green Tea!  I look forward to this morning brew as it helps bring another sense of calmness and awareness into my life.  Not only do I enjoy the warmth of the tea but I also know how good it is for my body. Throughout the day I remember this routine by enjoying a few more cups of Tea. Green Tea has helped me find stillness in the midst of chaos here in NYC.’                                         

Tip:  If you can do/add 1 of the following things a day consistently you can cut your risk for cancer in half!
-Drink green tea
-Add turmeric to your diet
-Limit or Delete red meat and alcohol from your diet
-Take folic acid
-Sleep for 8 hours uninterrupted
-Exercise OFTEN
-Take deep breaths all day long

Follow my blog as I expand on these healthy tips!

Be Well,

Tammy Kohlschmidt RDH, CTT, CBP

Making Green Tea

Green Tea (like regular black tea ) comes from leaves of the Camellia Sinesis plant.

 Unlike black tea, green tea leaves are steamed or baked at high temperatures, shortly after  they are plucked.  When the leaves are prepared this way many of the important health-promoting properties (known as polyphenols which I discussed here) are preserved.   This creates all the wonderful health benefits that I talked about in ‘Green Tea- Anti-Cancer Beverage?’

When you are buying Green Tea I suggest to buy Organic.  Organic means that the plant was raised without synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides.

My favorite kind is Big Green Hojicha which has a wonderful earthy taste.

 I recommend brewing the tea for 3-5 minutes. The polyphenol content increases with steeping time.  Then sit, relax, and enjoy!

Be Well,

Tammy Kohlschmidt RDH, CTT, CBP

Green Tea- Other Major Health Benefits

Research shows that Green Tea has many positive health benefits.  It is known to decrease your risk of heart attacks and strokes by decreasing cholesterol and blood pressure.  Green Tea is also great at killing bad bacteria and increasing the beneficial bacteria in our intestine.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (April 2000) found that women over 65 who drank at least 1 cup of Green Tea a day had a significantly higher bone density than women who didn’t.

Green Tea is also a thermogenic which is known to increase your metabolism and helps you lose weight!

Even more amazing reasons to drink up!  I really enjoy my daily cups of relaxing Green Tea and it definitely dones’t hurt that I’m doing my body good while drinking it!

Be Well,

Tammy Kohlschmidt RDH, CTT, CBP

Green Tea- Breast Cancer

Here at Thermography for Health  I perform a lot of breast and body screenings as a safe and radiation free alternative to mammograms.  For today’s post I would like to share with you how Green Tea can help lower the risk of Breast Cancer.

Japanese researchers found that women who consume green tea daily have a significantly lower risk of breast cancer.  They also learned that women who have breast cancer and increase their consumption of green tea live much longer than women who don’t drink it.

Several studies have shown the polyphenol in green tea, ECGC, inhibits the growth of breast cancer and decreases the spread of cancer cells.

Scientists have also found that Green Tea increases the number of protein binders in the blood so that less estrogen is available to attach to receptors in the breast.

Green Tea can also help if you are currently going through chemotherapy.  Research shows that it enhances the effectiveness and helps protect against many of its dangerous side effects.

If you or anyone you know is interested in a Safe breast or body screening please contact me at Thermography for Health NY and Set up an appointment today.

 Early detection saves lives!

Be Well,

Tammy Kohlschmidt RDH, CTT, CBP

Green Tea- Anti-Cancer Beverage?

Did you know that Green Tea is the #1 Anti-Cancer Beverage?

Research shows that Green Tea slows down the growth of breast cancer cells and lowers the risk of breast tumors reoccurring.

It is also known to impede the growth of cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon, bladder,prostate, skin, and ovaries.

Researchers believe that Green Tea is helpful at reducing the risk of many cancers because it contains a powerful blend of anti-inflammatories and antioxidants.  It also holds the ability to increase the power of enzymes in our liver that detoxify toxins and carcinogens.   Most of the health benefits of tea come from substances in it called ‘polyphenols.’  The 3 main polyphenols are: gallocatechin (GC), epigallocatechin (EGC), and epigallocatechin gallate (ECGC).

With all these amazing Cancer fighting properties you can see why Green Tea has become so popular in the past few years.

Drink away!

Be Well,

Tammy Kohlschmidt RDH, CTT, CBP

Green Tea- Is it good for me?!

Hey guys!

I’m excited to share with you some Healthy Breast Tips.

This week I will be talking about Green Tea.

There is a lot of controversy over Green Tea and whether or not it is good for you.  I was recently chatting with one of my friends who mentioned  that she doesn’t drink Green Tea anymore because of the caffeine in it.  This is a HUGE misconception.  Green Tea is extremely healthy for you.   Research shows that 8-10 cups a day can significantly lower the risk of breast cancer.  Green tea naturally contains Theanine.  Theanine is an amino acid that has calming and relaxing effects. Theanine blocks the binding of l-glutamic acid to glutamate receptors in the brain.  Research shows that people who take daily Theanine supplements tend to have more alpha-brain wave activity in the brain which is sign of enhanced relaxation

 This intern cancels the effect of caffeine in Green Tea.

So drink up!  And don’t worry- if 8-10 cups sounds like a lot (and it is!) you can take a Natural Green Tea Supplement.  Here at Thermography for Health NY we offer a superior Green Tea extracted from the cleanest source!

If you have any questions comment below or email me at tammy@dfhny.com

Be Well,


Tammy Kohlschmidt RDH, CTT, CBP